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History of Oguaa Hall


Oguaa Hall, located at the South Campus (Old Site), is the oldest of all the eight (8) Halls of Residence and hostels at the University of Cape Coast (UCC). The Hall derives its name from the traditional name of Cape Coast—Oguaa. Notably, the University of Cape Coast is often referred to as “Oguaa Suapong.”

According to historian Daniel Obeng, the latter part of the 20th century witnessed a growing interest in tertiary education. Initially, "The Barracks” (Oguaa Hall) had a one-student-per-room policy. However, with the increasing student population, bunk beds were introduced, changing the accommodation structure. Students assigned to the top bunk had to climb with agility, leading neighboring Hall members to humorously refer to them as "Great Monkeys." This playful nickname reflected the dexterity and alacrity required to reach the top bunks.

Oguaa Hall consists of seven (7) long blocks beautifully situated on a hill, providing a breathtaking view of the Atlantic Ocean and its golden beach. Currently, the Hall accommodates approximately 1,042 resident students from both sexes, with an additional 3,200 non-resident affiliates.

The Hall is dedicated to providing a safe, comfortable, and secure environment that fosters academic excellence, personal development, and a strong sense of community. It also promotes civic responsibility and an appreciation for diversity.

Oguaa Hall proudly upholds its motto: “Nyimdzii, Korye na Asomdwe”, meaning “Knowledge, Unity, and Peace.” With this guiding principle, the Hall continues to maintain its position as a premier residence at UCC.