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In the name of the ALMIGHTY GOD, we the members of Oguaa Hall JCRC,  The Premier Hall of University of Cape Coast; 

IN EXERCISING our natural and inalienable right to establish a framework of good  governance, and secure for ourselves and for posterity the blessing of Liberty, Equality,  

IN THE SPIRIT of unity, friendship and peace among all members of the Hall; and with all  students of the University of Cape Coast, and other sister Universities; 

AND IN SOLEMN declaration and affirmation of our sincere commitment to the Principles of  probity, accountability, transparency, justice, rule of law and respect for Fundamental Human  Rights of members of our Hall. 





1. This Constitution shall be known as and called the OGUAA HALL JUNIOR COMMON  ROOM COMMITTEECONSTITUTION.  

2. The name of the body which this Constitution shall govern shall be OGUAA Hall (Junior  Common Room Committee) hereafter referred to as the “JCRC”  


1. The sovereignty of Oguaa Hall resides in its members in whose name and for whose  welfare the powers of government are to be exercised in the manner and within the  limits laid down in this Constitution.  

2. This Constitution shall be the supreme law of Oguaa Hall and any other law found to be  inconsistent with any provision of this Constitution shall to the extent of the  inconsistency be null and void. 

3. Notwithstanding Article 2 clause (2), this Constitution shall be subject to the laws,  statutes and regulations of the Hall Council, Student Representative Council (SRC), the  University of Cape Coast and of Ghana.  


1. A person who alleges that an enactment, or any act or omission of any other person is  inconsistent with or is in contravention of a provision of this Constitution, may bring an  action, as of right before the Judicial Council of the JCRC, for a declaration to that  effect.  

2. The Judicial Council shall, for the purposes of a declaration under clause (1) of this  Article, make such order and give such direction as it may consider appropriate for  giving effect, or enabling effect to be given, to the declaration so made.  

3. The order or direction given by the Judicial Council under clause (2) of this Article shall  be duly obeyed and carried out by the person or group of persons to whom it is  addressed.  

4. Failure to obey or carry out the terms of an order or direction given under clause (2) of  this Article shall constitute a high crime punishable as:  

a. In the case of an Executive officer(s) by removal from office  

b. In the case of any member or members of the Hall, by the members being  declared ineligible for election or appointment to any office in the Hall for a  period of Two (2) years beginning from the day of such declaration.  


1. Any activity of a person or group of persons which suppresses or seeks to  suppress this Constitution shall be considered generally unlawful.  

2. Any person who  

a. by himself or in concert with others sets aside or abrogates this  Constitution or any part of it, or attempts to do any such act or  

b. aids and/or abets in any manner any person referred to in sub-clause (a)  above, shall be considered as having committed the offence of high  treason and shall upon conviction by the Judicial Council of the Hall  shall be subjected to/ face disciplinary action.  

3. All members of the Hall shall have the right and/or duty at all times:  

a. to defend this Constitution and, in particular, to resist any person or group  of persons seeking to commit any of the acts referred to in clause (2) of  this Article and 

b. To do all things in their power in respective consultation with the Hall  Council, the Student Representative Council (SRC), the University  Council and to the extremes the law court to restore the Constitution.  


Oguaa Hall shall comprise those buildings, structures, premises and adjourning lands on the  campus of the University, designated and recognized as Oguaa Hall or part thereof of the  University. 




1. All students admitted to the University of Cape Coast to pursue a program of study and  assigned to the Hall for the purpose of affiliation shall be members automatically.  

2. Any person who transfers from their Hall of affiliation to Oguaa Hall with the consent of  the Hall Council shall be deemed a member.  

3. The Hall Council shall accord Honorary Membership of the Hall to any alumnus of the  Hall, and any person the council shall deem fit for the status.  

4. Membership of the Hall ceases as soon as a member officially becomes a member of  another Hall on the University Campus.  


1. All members shall have the right to use all available JCRC facilities  

2. Members shall have the right to vote and be voted for to any office of the Hall they are  qualified to occupy.  

3. Members shall have the right to participate in all general activities of the JCRC.  4. All members shall have the right to authentic information on finances, projects,  programmes and other activities pertaining to the Hall.  


5. Uphold and defend the Constitution of the JCRC.  

6. Cooperate with the Hall Authorities and Executives of the JCRC.  

7. Respect and obey all regulations of the Hall or the JCRC. 

8. Protect, respect and safeguard the security and rights of other members of the Hall.  9. Protect and safeguard the Hall and its environs and property.  

10. Refrain from all acts and/or practices which are detrimental and would bring the name  of the Hall into disrepute.  

11. Fulfill all financial obligations to the Hall and /or the JCRC.  


The objectives of the JCRC shall include: 

1. To plan, organize and coordinate all the socio-cultural and intellectual activities of the  members of the JCRC.  

2. To seek to protect the right and welfare of its members  

3. To present the views of the JCRC through the appropriate channels to the appropriate  authorities of the University to help them assess correctly and deal with the needs and  problems of the JCRC.  

4. To establish links and maintain cordial relationship with students of other Halls of the  University of Cape Coast and other Universities, Alumni, Educational and Voluntary  Institutions within Ghana and other countries.  

5. To organize lectures, symposia, debates, publications and such other activities as are  necessary to fulfill this genial aims and objectives.  

6. To fix in each academic year, a date at a Hall forum in consultation with the Hall Council  for the celebration of the Hall Week.  

7. To prepare a comprehensive Annual Report and Recommendation for the guidance of the  next government.  




1. The Junior Common Room shall be governed by elected/appointed officers to be known  and called as the Junior Common Room Committee, hereinafter referred to as the JCRC.  2. The JCRC shall comprise;  

a. President  

b. Vice President  

c. Secretary  

d. Treasurer  

e. Welfare Sub-Committee Chairperson  

f. Entertainment Sub-Committee Chairperson  

g. Library Sub-Committee Chairperson 

h. Two SRC Representatives 

i. Health Chairperson 

j. Sports chairperson 

k. Projects Coordinator. 

3. The JCRC Executive Committee shall take decisions for and on behalf of the JCRC as far  as it is not inconsistent with this Constitution, and such decisions shall be binding on all  members of the JCRC.  

4. Any such decision taken in clause 3 above, shall however be communicated to the JCRC within forty-eighty hours of deliberation before coming into force.  

5. Members of the JCRC shall be elected into office by the members of the Hall.  


1. There shall be an Executive Committee, which shall consist of  

a. President.  

b. Vice President.  

c. Secretary.  

d. Treasurer.  

e. One other elected member of the JCRC aside the above mentioned.  

2. The Executive Committee shall:  

a. Plan the agenda of the JCRC.  

b. Co-ordinate the activities of the JCRC.  

c. Implement the decisions of the JCRC.  

3. A quorum of four persons including the President or the Vice President shall constitute a  meeting for the purpose of business to be conducted.  

4. Other Associations 

a. Oguaa Hall Christian Fellowship (OHCF). 

b. Moslem Council. 

c. Traditional Council. 

d. The Cadet. 

Christian Council 

I. Responsible for organizing and coordinating Christian activities in the Hall. II. Will have a representative serving on the Judicial Board. 

III. Will promote morality in the hall.

Muslim Council 

I. Responsible for organizing and coordinating Muslim activities in the hall. II. Will have a representative serving on the Judicial Board 

Traditional Council 

I. Responsible for organizing and coordinating activities related to culture/ tradition in the  Hall. 

II. Will represent the ‘Oguaaman’ kingdom in the Hall. 

III. Will have a representative serving on the Judicial Board. 

The Cadet 

I. Will by the military wing of the Hall. 

II. Will have a representative serving on the Judicial Board. 

III. There shall be a commander-in-chief of the cadet which shall be the JCRC president. IV. There shall be a leadership of the cadet prescribed by itself. 

V. The finances of the cadet shall be out of the JCRC account and internally generated funds VI. Assets and documents of the cadet shall be duely audited by the Audit Board. VII. The overall conduct of the cadet shall be regulated by the JCRC Executives. VIII. SHALL see to the orderliness and discipline during all programmes of the hall. 


1. No member shall be eligible to contest for any JCRC office if he is in his final year of his  programme of study or if he is due to take the final examination of his course of study in  the University.  

2. No member shall be eligible to vie for any election in the Hall unless he has attained at  least a CGPA of 2.5 and above as stipulated in the Student Hand Book of the University  with regards to holding positions.  

3. The CGPA is however subjected to review and any such time a review is made by the  University the CGPA agreed upon shall be applicable.  

4. No member shall be qualified to hold any JCRC office that has not fulfilled all his  financial obligations to the Hall and the University, proof of which shall be on him.  5. A member shall not be qualified to hold any of the offices of the JCRC if he has been  found to be involved in any act that brings the name of the Hall’sJCRC, SRC or the  University into disrepute.  

6. A member who has been found by the Judicial Council or Commission of Enquiry to  have breached any provision of this Constitution shall not be qualified to contest for any  JCRC office.  

7. To qualify to hold any of the offices of the JCRC, a member must have spent at least a  year in the University or have one more year to complete his course of study. 

8. No member who at the time of filling nominations for any JCRC office, is pursuing a  programme which would require his leaving the University or staying out of campus for  more than two academic months shall be qualified to contest the election for any JCRC office.  

9. For the purposes of clause 8 of this Article, where a member undertakes in writing to  waive his leaving the university or staying out of campus for more than two academic  months he shall be qualified to stand for the election.  

10. Not been a repeating student at the time of contesting for the election.  11. Not have been rusticated or withdrawn by the University.  


The Executive shall in concert: 

1. Be responsible for the coordination and execution of the policies of the Hall.  2. Serve as a link in matters relating to the Hall Council, other Halls, the SRC, other student  organization, and the University at large whose services may be deemed beneficial to  the Hall.  

3. Keep an inventory of all JCRC properties.  

4. Approve the financial estimates of other officers before funds are released.  5. Prepare and present the annual budget to the Hall.  

6. Meet and draw up the agenda for all meetings of the JCRC.  

7. ensure the enforcement of the standing orders and code of ethics of the Hall  8. Take appropriate actions against officers or members of the JCRC who act in any way  that may bring or is likely to bring disrepute to the Hall as recommended by the  Disciplinary Committee.  



The President shall: 

1. Preside over all meetings of the JCRC and the JCRC Executive Committee.  2. Within thirty (30)working days after assuming office, summon a meeting of the JCRC for  the purposes of drawing up a working policy in the general interest of the Hall.  3. Represent the JCRC on the Hall Council, SRC and University Committee where the  JCRC is required to be represented.  

4. Take custody of all document and properties of the Hall related to his office.  5. Direct the affairs of the Hall without fear or partiality and in a manner not detrimental to  the good name of the Hall. 

6. Delegate the Vice President or any executive member whom he deems fit and where he  finds it expedient, to represent the Hall at any meeting or function where the Hall is to  be represented. 

7. Be the Chief Executive of the JCRC. 

8. Supervise, coordinate and take responsibility of the functioning of the Executive.  9. Shall be Commander-In-Chief of the Hall Cadet.  

10. Have a casting vote in case of a deadlock or tie at any JCRC meetings at which a vote is  taken as he shall be regarded as the “Primus Inter Pares” of members of the JCRC and  the JCRC.  

11. Have a right to veto a decision emanating from the JCRC and/or the JCRC.  12. Be a signatory to all cheques drawn on the account of the JCRC as well as vouchers  chargeable against the account.  

13. In consultation with the JCRC and the Chairman of the Judiciary appoint members of  the Judiciary.  

14. Shall present a true state of the hall’s affair at least once a semester 

15. In event of death or removal or resignation of a member of the JCRC, have the right to  appoint a responsible member of the JCRC to act in the vacant position as an interim  member until such time that a bye election is conducted and a member voted for or  elected.  


The Vice President shall: 

1. Assist the President in the performance of his duties.  

2. Act in the absence of the President and when acting, be vested with all the powers of the  President subject to any contrary provisions of this Constitution.  

3. Act as an-officio member of all Committees of the Hall and shall coordinate the activities  of such Committees provided for in this Constitution.  

4. In the event of death, resignation or removal from office of the Hall President, act until  such time that a bye-election is conducted to fill the position.  

5. Before commencing to perform the functions of the President under clause 5 of this  Article, take and subscribe the oath set out in the second schedule of this Constitution in  relation to the office of the President.  

6. Have oversight responsibilities for all other Committees.  

7. SHALL Perform any duties assigned to him by the President and/or the Executive  Members.  


1. He/ She shall be the secretary to the JCRC and the JCRC Executive Committee.

2. He/ She shall be at all meetings of the JCRC and JCRC Executive Committeeto keep and  maintain true and accurate records of proceedings.  

3. He/ She shall be responsible for putting up all general JCRC notices.  

4. He/ She shall in consultation with the President be responsible for handling of all external  correspondence of the JCRC.  

5. For the purpose of clause 3 of this Article, all notices shall be put up at least 72 hours  before the commencement of the event for which the notice is put up. 

6. He/ She shall provide the JCRC/JCRC Executive Committeethe needed documents  before a meeting 

7. In the absence of the President and the Vice President, the Secretary shall perform the functions in article (13 and14) until the President or the Vice President assumes office  as the case may be.  

8. He/ She shall be the administrative head of the JCRC Secretariat.  

9. He/ She shall perform any such functions as the President and/or Executive Members  may assign to him. 

10. SHALL Perform any duties assigned to him by the President and/or the Executive  Members. 


The treasurer shall: 

1. Have fair knowledge of accounting.  

2. Be responsible for keeping accounts of all monies of the JCRC and take custody of the  JCRC’s cheques, receiving and banking all monies.  

3. Be one of the signatories to all JCRC cheques and accounts.  

4. Take custody of all documents and properties of the Hall related to his office.  5. Together with the JCRC executves prepare the budget and financial accounts of the  JCRC.  

6. Keep an imprest of not more than what is approved by the JCRC, which imprest shall be  replenished as often as necessary after the treasurer has produce authentic receipts  and/or documents to show how the previous amount has been disbursed.  

7. In the tenure of his office, not defer his course but in the event of such, he shall render proper accounts with the approval of the Director of Audit.  

8. Not effect any payment out of the JCRC funds without prior consultation and approval of  the President.  

9. SHALL Perform any duties assigned to him by the President and/or the Executive  Members. 


The Welfare Sub-Committee Chairperson shall: 

1. Chair all the activities of the Welfare Committee.  

2. Be responsible for all matters affecting the welfare of the members of the Hall.  3. Represent the interest of the JCRC in matters relating to room allocation with  transparency, probity and accountability with the affirmation of the Hall President  and/or Hall Council.  

4. Represent the Hall on the SRC Sub-Committee on Welfare. 

5. Perform any such duties assigned to him by the President and/or the Executive Members. 6. SHALL Perform any duties assigned to him by the President and/or the Executive  Members.  

ARTICLE 18: ENTERTAINMENT SUB-COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON There shall be an Entertainment Sub-Committee Chairperson who shall: 

1. Chair the meetings and coordinate the activities of the entertainment Committee.  2. Be responsible for organizing all forms of entertainment programmes in the interest of  the Hall.  

3. In collaboration with the Finance Committee raise monies for the Hall through  entertainment activities.  

4. At the beginning of every semester present a programme of activities drawn by his  Committee to the JCRC for consideration and approval.  

5. Present to the JCRC Executive Committeea statement of account within seven (7) days  after every entertainment programme.  

6. Take custody of all documents and properties of the Hall related to his office and shall  submit such properties to the Head Porter of the Hall for safe keeping any time school is  in recess.  

7. Represent the Hall on SRC Sub-Committee on Entertainment.  

8. SHALL Perform any duties assigned to him/ her by the President and/or the Executive  Members.  


The Sports Sub-Committee Chairperson shall: 

1. Chair and co-ordinate the activities of the Sports Sub-Committee.  

2. Present a programme of sporting activities drawn by his Committee to the JCRC  Executive Committeefor consideration and approval. 


3. Take custody of all documents and sports related equipment of the Hall and shall submit  such properties to the Head Porter of Hall for safe keeping anytime school is not in  session.  

4. Represent the Hall on the SRC Sports Sub-Committee.  

5. SHALL Perform any duties assigned to him/her by the President and/or the Executive  Members.  


The Library Sub-Committee Chairperson shall: 

1. See to the efficient and effective management of the Hall Library.  

2. Be responsible for the general upkeep and running of the reading room of the Hall.  3. Be the custodian of the Hall’s Library and all library materials.  

4. Chair the meetings and coordinate the activities of the Library Committee.  5. Be the liaison between the main University Library and the Hall Library.  6. Organizing educative programmes in collaboration with the entertainment Chairman at  least once a semester 

7. SHALL Perform any duties assigned to him/her by the President and/or the Executive  Members.  


The SRC Representatives shall: 

1. Liaise between the SRC and the Hall.  

2. Inform and educate the JCRC members on activities and policies of the SRC.  3. Assist in the running of the Hall and perform any other responsibility as may be assigned  to them by the President and/or Executive Committee.  




1. The senate shall comprise: 

a. The Speaker


b. All Floor M.Ps 

c. All Committee Chairpersons and members 

d. Three representatives of Diasporas’ selected or elected by them.  

2. The Parliament shall:  

a. be an advisory body to the JCRC. 

b. meet at least twice a semester 

c. deliberate on issues of concern to the Hall and 

d. prepare their report and recommendation to the JCRC on their decision 

3. The Speaker of parliament SHALL be appointed by the President in consultation with  the JCRC Executive Committee. 

4. Members of the parliament shall be known as and called Parliamentarians otherwise  known as “Honourables”. 

5. No person shall be a Member of Parliament if he/she has been found guilty of any  offence involving dishonesty by the Judicial Council or Committee of enquiry of the  University, SRC, JCRC or Hall Council.  




1. Justice emanates from the people and shall be administered in the name of the Hall by the  Judiciary which shall be independent and subject only to this Constitution.  2. The Judicial Power of the Hall shall be vested in the Judiciary; accordingly, neither the President nor any organ or agency of the Hall shall have or be given final Judicial  Power.  

3. The Chairman of the Judicial Council shall, subject to this Constitution be the overall  Head of the Judiciary and shall be responsible for the administration and supervision of  the Judiciary.  

4. The Judiciary shall have the jurisdiction in all matters, including matters relating to this  Constitution, and such other jurisdiction as may by law be conferred on it.



1. The Judiciary shall comprise;  

a. Judicial Council 

b. Appeals Board  

c. Disciplinary Board  

d. Judicial Committee 

2. In the exercise of the Judicial Power conferred on the Judiciary by this Constitution or  any other law, the Judiciary may in relation to any other matter within their jurisdiction,  issue such orders and directions as may be necessary to ensure the enforcement of any  judgment or order within the Constitutional framework of this Hall.  

3. The decision of the Judiciary shall be by simple majority and shall be in writing or  recorded with reasons assigned.  

4. Each Board of the Judiciary shall be duly constituted for its work by not less than two  thirds (2/3) of the members.  


1. In the exercise of its functions, the Judiciary shall be subject to this Constitution only and  shall not be subject to the control or direction of any person or authority.  

2. Neither the Executive Members nor any other authority or person whatsoever of the Hall  shall interfere with the Justices, in the exercise of their functions and all members of the  JCRC shall accord the Judiciary such assistance as the Judiciary may reasonably require  to protect the independence, dignity and effectiveness of the Judiciary subject to this  Constitution.  

3. A member of the Judiciary shall not be liable to any action or suit for any act or omission  by him in the exercise of his Judicial Power  

4. Notwithstanding clauses (1), (2) and (3) of this article, in the exercise of its functions the  Judiciary shall be guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, the SRC  Constitution and the Statute establishing OGUAA HALL and the University of Cape  Coast.  

5. In the exercise of its functions, the Judiciary shall not be dissolved for new members to  be appointed by any incoming Hall Executive but members shall be enrolled (enlisted)  when there is a vacancy or resignation to that effect to enhance consistency, coherence  and the independence of the Judiciary;  

6. The administrative expense and privileges of the Judiciary shall be fully and duly  provided by the JCRC and shall not be varied to its disadvantage. 




1. There shall be a Judicial Council which shall be independent and comprise: a. The Chief Justice who shall be appointed by the JCRC president in consultation  with the JCRC Executive Committee. 

b. Seven members hereafter called Justices of the Hall. 

c. The Chairperson of the Judicial Council shall preside at sittings of the Judicial  Board and in his absence, the most senior of the Justices of the Judicial Council as constituted, shall preside.  

d. There shall be a Secretary who shall be elected by the Justices and shall be a  member of the Judicial Council 

e. Members of the Judicial Council shall be appointed by the President of the JCRC in consultation with the JCRC Executive Committee and the immediate or  outgoing Chairman of the Judicial Council of the previous regime.  

f. The Judicial Council shall never be dissolved on the assumption of a new  Executive.  

g. Notwithstanding sub-clause (d) of this Article, the President shall appoint  members to fill any vacancy on the Judicial Council when the need arises.  h. Shall have the right to entertain witnesses brought forth by defendants.  2. There shall be the final Board of Appeal and shall have the appellate in other jurisdiction  as may be conferred on it by this Constitution.  

3. The Judicial Council shall have power to determine all matters relating to the  interpretation and enforcement of this Constitution.  

4. It shall have the power to hear all appeals from the Appeals and Disciplinary Boards.  5. It shall in the exercise of its functions have powers to issue orders as are necessary to  give effect to any declaration on its jurisdictional pursuit.  

6. May while treating its own previous decisions as normally binding, depart from a  previous decision when it appears to it right to do so; and all other Boards of the  Judiciary shall be bound to follow the decision of the Judicial Board.  

7. It shall have the power to subpoena members of the Hall to give evidence in respect of  any matter.  



1. There shall be an Appeals Board which shall consist of five (5) members namely;  a. The Chairperson of the Judicial Council 

b. The most senior of the Justices of the Judicial Council, who shall be the  chairperson of the Appeals Board  

c. The Chairperson of the Disciplinary Committee 

d. The Senior Hall Tutor 


e. The Hall Administrator.  

2. For the purpose of this Constitution, sub-sections (d) and (e) shall be advisors to the  Board.  

3. The Appeals Board shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine, subject to the  provisions of this Constitution, appeals from a judgment or order from the Disciplinary  Committee.  

4. The Appeals Board shall perform any other function conferred on it by this Constitution.  



1. There shall be a Disciplinary Board of five (5) members appointed by the President in  consultation with the JCRC.  

2. The Disciplinary Board shall oversee all disciplinary issues and code of ethics of the  Hall.  

3. In exercising clause (2) of this article, the Board shall sit on any matter and take decision  which shall be binding.  

4. It shall serve as arbiters between or among members of the JCRC.  

5. It shall perform any other responsibility as may be assigned by the Constitution 



1. The JCRC shall appoint a Commission of Inquiry to look into any matter of interest to the  JCRC.  

2. A Commission appointed under clause (1) of this Article shall comprise not less than  three persons and not more than seven persons, one of whom shall be the Chairperson of  the Commission.  

3. A Commission of Inquiry shall:  

a. Make a full, faithful and impartial inquiry into any matter of interest to the JCRC.  b. Report in writing the result of the inquiry and  

c. Furnish in the report the reasons leading to the conclusion stated in the report.  d. A person whose conduct is the subject of inquiry by a Commission of Inquiry or  who may in any way be implicated or concerned in any matter under inquiry is  entitled to be assisted by such expert as may reasonably be necessary for the  purpose of protecting his interest at the inquiry. 


4. Where a Commission of Inquiry makes an adverse finding against any person, an appeal  to the Judicial Council shall be as of right from that finding and exercise within seven days after the findings are announced to the JCRC.  




1. There shall be an Electoral Commission which shall consist of :  

a. Two Senior Members, one of whom shall be the Chairman hereafter called  Electoral Commissioner.  

b. The Hall Administrator or his/her representative as a Member/Secretary. c. Five (5) JCRC members appointed by the President in consultation with the JCRC Executives.  

2. The Electoral Commission shall supervise all elections in the Hall and shall see to the  organization of a meeting for the presentation of manifestoes by candidates.  3. As soon as may be practicable, after the close of nominations the Electoral Commissioner  shall publicly display a copy each of the nomination papers received on the Hall Notice  Boards where they shall remain until the election commences.  

4. The Electoral Commission shall see to the counting of the ballot papers and publish the  election results within twenty-four (24) hours after the close of voting.  

5. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution the Electoral Commission shall have the  power to make regulations for the efficient organization of both Floor and General  Elections.  

6. The Electoral Commission shall make their electoral regulations accessible to all  candidates.  

7. The power to determine whether a regulation has been breached shall be vested in the  Electoral Commissioner and he shall on reasonable grounds impose such sanctions as  may be deemed necessary.  

8. The Commission shall demarcate electoral boundaries for the purposes of the JCRC elections  

9. A person who may be aggrieved by a decision of the Electoral Commission may as of  right seek redress with the Judicial Council.  

10. The Electoral Commission shall receive and react to all complaints relating to any  elections within forty-eight (48) hours. 


ARTICLE 31: MODE OF APPOINTMENT OF THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION 1. The Electoral Commission shall be appointed by the Hall Council.  


1. The Electoral Commission shall in the performance of its functions not be subject to the  direction or control of any person or authority.  

2. The administrative expense, logistic and privileges of the Electoral Commission shall be  duly provided by the JCRC and shall not be varied to their disadvantage.  

3. No Junior Member of the Commission whilst serving on the Commission shall be an  Executive Officer.  

4. The Electoral Commission shall run for a year after which it may be dissolved or  maintained.  


Elections shall be: 

1. Held on dates determined by the Dean of Students.  

2. A simple majority shall elect all Officers.  

3. Unopposed candidates shall require 60% of the valid votes cast to be elected.  4. Voting by Proxy is allowed upon arrangement with the Commissioner.  5. The validity of election of Officers may be challenged by any student of the Hall who  6. shall present a petition to that effect to the Judicial Council within 48 hours after the  declaration of the provisional results.  

7. Not less than ten (10) members of the JCRC shall sign the nomination form of an aspirant  to enable him to file his papers to contest in the election.  

8. No member of the JCRC can endorse more than one candidate contesting the same office.  9. All nominations forms shall be delivered to the Electoral Commissioner not later than 7  days before the vetting is due to begin.  

10. Election of all JCRC officers shall be by secret ballot and shall start at 7:00 am and end  at 5:00 pm.  

11. Immediately after the close of the poll, the Presiding Officer shall, in the presence of the  candidates and/or their polling agents proceed to count, at that polling station, the ballot  papers of that station and record the votes cast in favour of each candidate.  

12. The Presiding Officer and the Polling Agents shall then sign a declaration form  accepting the results as declared by the Electoral Commissioner.  

13. The Presiding Officer shall there and then, announce the results at that polling station  before communicating them to the Returning Officer.  

14. Subject to the provision of this Constitution an issue for determination by referendum  shall not be taken to be determined unless at least Thirty-five percent (35%) of the persons entitled to vote at the referendum vote and of the votes cast, at least Seventy  percent (70%) voted in favour of the issue. 



1. The chairperson of the Electoral Commission shall within 24 hours after elections declare  the results.  

2. A candidate shall be deemed elected by simple majority of the votes cast.  3. Notwithstanding clause (2) of Article any candidate who stands unopposed for any of the  positions shall at least poll 60% of the votes cast to be deemed elected.  

4. Fresh elections shall be conducted for positions, which are not occupied due to  candidate’s inability to pull the required percentage of votes.  

5. Bye-elections shall be held where circumstances determine so.  


1. The validity of the election of a candidate may be challenged by a student of this Hall  who may present a petition for that purpose within forty-eight hours after the declaration  of the results.  

2. The Hall Master/Warden on receipt of the petition shall constitute a Commission of  Enquiry to look into the petition.  

3. The Commission shall comprise three (3) Senior Members and three (3) Junior Members.  4. The Commission is expected to submit its report within seventy-two (72) hours.  


1. There shall be a vetting Committee to be made up of  

a. Two Senior Members, one of whom shall be the Chairman to the Committee.  b. The Hall Administrator or his/her Representative as a Member/Secretary. c. Five Junior Members drawn from the JCRC and appointed by the President in  consultation with the JCRC Executives.  

2. The Committee shall be responsible for vetting all potential aspirants for the various  positions stipulated in Article 9 clause 2.  

3. In vetting the aspirants, the Committee shall be guided by Article 11 of this Constitution. 





1. For the effective administration of the Hall, there shall be nine(9) Sub-Committees  namely:  

a. Welfare Sub-Committee 

b. Entertainment Sub-Committee 

c. Sports Sub-Committee 

d. Library Sub-Committee 

e. Projects Committee 

f. Health Committee 

g. Editorial Committee 

h. Judicial Committee 

i. Finance Committee 

2. All Committees shall comprise membership as stipulated under their respective  composition.  

3. Membership of these Committees shall be by application through the Hall Secretary to  the JCRC for vetting and approval.  

4. Every Committee shall meet at least twice in every semester and shall submit its report to  the JCRC not later than seven (7) days after their meeting.  

5. In matters of concern, the Committee members shall have the power to co-opt into their  membership any member of the Hall deemed fit for a particular occasion.  




1. Shall be chaired by the Welfare Chairperson  

2. Any other seven (7) members.  

The Welfare Committee shall: 

1. Be concerned with the general Welfare of members of the Hall and see to the  improvement of sanitary conditions of the Hall.  

2. Cause to be organized at least twice a semester, floor meetings through the help of all  Floor MPs who shall be appointed or elected by the members of each floor.  3. Report all cases of hospital admissions to the appropriate Hall Tutor or Hall  Administration after receiving such information from the patient(s). 


4. Be responsible for making bye-laws on issues concerning welfare, which by law shall  come into force after the approval of the JCRC Executives.  

5. Recommend to the JCRCExecutives for honors to be conferred on persons who have  contributed to the welfare of the Hall.  

6. Liaise with the University authorities to ensure that the University Sanitary labor force  execute their functions effectively.  



1. Chaired by Entertainment Chairperson  

2. Any other five (5) members.  

The Entertainment Committee shall: 

1. At the beginning of every semester, draw up a tentative entertainment programme which  they shall implement upon its approval by the JCRC Executives in consultation with  Hall Administration.  

2. Help in soliciting funds from individuals and corporate bodies to support entertainment  programmes of the Hall.  

3. Be generally responsible for the running of Alovi fm

4. Prepare detailed income and expenditure statement of account on ay commercial function  organized and shall publish it within seven (7) days after the said function. 5. Shall have the mandate to form ad-hoc Committees for the smooth running of the halls  programme lineup after approval from the JCRC 



1. The Library Chairperson and  

2. A membership of not less than five (5) and not exceeding thirty (30)  

The Library Committee shall: 

1. See to the efficient and effective running of the Hall Library and reading room.  2. Display the title of all new books, journals etc. received into the Library from time to  time.  

3. Liaise with the University Main Library to ensure that the intellectual and educational  needs and goals of the members of the Hall are pursued effectively.  

4. Have oversight responsibility for the maintenance of the Library properties and facilities. 


5. Ensure the education and obedience of the library’s rule and regulations.  



1. The Sports Chairperson and 

2. Other five (5) Committee members. 

It shall: 

1. Be responsible for drawing up programmes of sporting activities for the Hall.  2. Keep inventory of all sport equipment.  

3. Be responsible for arrangement and maintenance of friendly sporting relations with other  Halls of the University and other institutions as the JCRC Executive Committee may  approve.  

4. Be responsible for the development, promotion, co-ordination of all games and sporting  activities in the Hall.  



1. This Board shall consist of seven (7) members from the JCRC appointed by the JCRC one of whom shall be the Editor –In – Chief ofOguaa Hall.  

2. The Board shall:  

a. Be responsible for the proper running of the Hall Magazine and provision of other  publications.  

b. Ensure that the Hall Magazine is published yearly.  

c. Have the sole right of editing and authorizing of all articles by the JCRC members  meant for the Notice Boards.  



The Hall Week Planning Committee shall be composed of:


1. Three (3) JCRC members, one of whom shall be the Entertainment Sub Committee Chairperson.  

2. One Senior Member appointed by the Hall Master/Warden. 

3. Three other members of the JCRCExecutives appointed by the President.  4. One representative from each group in the hall 

5. The Hall Administrator or his/her Representative shall be core in the planning. 6. Appointments from diaspora 

The Committee shall be responsible for: 

1. The general planning and organization of the Hall Week celebration.  

2. The raising of sponsorship for the overall celebration in consultation with the JCRC Executive Committee.  

3. The preparation of the budget for the celebration  

4. The preparation and publishing of a comprehensive financial report within two weeks  after the celebration which report shall be signed by the Director of Audit.  




1. The JCRC shall derive it funds from:  

a. Hall dues paid by members  

b. Monies accruing from all forms of entertainment organized by the JCRC Executives.  

c. Proceeds from sale of Hall material and other legitimate activities and appeal for  fund  

d. Donations, gifts, endowments, and others. 

2. The JCRC shall operate a Bank Account where activities of the JCRC will be managed  from. 

3. The Hall President, the Treasurer and the Hall Masteror Senior Hall Tutor shall be  signatories to the Hall account.  

4. The signature of the Hall Master/Warden or Senior Hall Tutor and any one of the three  other signatories as mentioned in clause 3 shall make cheques valid. The signatories  could be change upon reviews or future arrangements. 

5. The Treasurer shall keep an imprest.  

6. No loan shall be contracted for and on behalf of the JCRC without the prior approval of  the JCRC and Hall Council.  

7. The Treasurer shall at every first meeting of the JCRC present a true Financial Statement. 


8. All disbursement of funds by the JCRC must be supported by receipt and other necessary  documents.  

9. An audit of the Hall account shall be done at least once every year.  



1. There shall be an Audit Board of three (3) members.  

2. No man shall be a member of the Audit Board unless he has an accounting background.  3. Membership to this Board shall be by application to the Secretary.  

4. The members of this Board shall select their own chairperson who shall be known as and  called the Chief Auditor.  

5. The Audit Board shall:  

a. audit all the accounts of the JCRC 

b. Audit all the accounts of all groups in the hall. 

c. Prepare it audit report and submit it to the JCRC.  

6. No person or body shall interfere in the performance of the Audit Board’s functions and  all officers, Committees and other bodies of the JCRC shall accord the Audit Board  such assistance as are necessary for the performance of their duties.  

7. The Audit report shall be pasted on the JCRC Notice Board within 14 days of its  preparation.  

8. For the purpose of this Constitution, the audit board shall have the power to subpoena any  person to appear before it.  



1. “Junior Common Room Committee” (JCRC) refers to the general student body of the  Hall  

2. “Junior Common Room Committee Executives” refers to the government of the Hall.  3. “Student Representative Council” (SRC) is the federation of all students in the Halls of  residence of the University. The SRC constitutes the mouthpiece of the student  population of the University.  

4. “The University” refers to the University of Cape Coast.  

5. “National Union of Ghana Students” (NUGS) is the federation of all Universities  (USAG), the Professionals and all Regional Representatives of SRC in Ghana. It  constitutes the mouthpiece of the entire student body in Ghana.  

6. Whenever “He” or “His” is used in this Constitution it shall also pertain to “She” or  “Her” respectively.  

7. All percentages shall be rounded off to the nearest whole number 


8. “Person” and “member” used in this Constitution means a member of Oguaa Hall.  9. “Executive Officer” shall refer to the Executive Members who have been elected in a  general JCRC election.  

10. “Forum” shall refer to the Hall forum.  

11. “Reps” shall refer to Representative.  

ARTICLE 47: GENERAL GROUNDS FOR REMOVAL FROM OFFICE Any member holding any JCRC office shall be removed from office if he is found: 

1. To have acted in willful violation of any provision of this Constitution.  2. To have embezzled funds from the JCRC.  

3. To be incapable of performing the functions of his office by reason of physical or mental  incapability or disability through medical confirmation.  

4. To have engaged in conducts that tend to bring the name of the Hall into disrepute  5. Guilty of breach of any of the provisions of this Constitution in the discharge of his  duties.  

6. To have failed to carry out a decision of the JCRC in accordance with this Constitution.  7. To have vacated his post without due permission.  


1. The JCRCExecutives shall call a JCRC meeting at least twice a semester.  2. The JCRCExecutives shall be obliged to call a general meeting of the JCRC not later than  fourteen (14) days into the new academic year for the purpose of laying down its  policies, budgets and appointments before the JCRC for the latter’s approval.  3. The President or in his absence the Vice President, the Secretary and a quarter of the  Hallers in resident shall form a quorum.  

4. A decision or decisions taken at a JCRC meeting(s) shall be binding on the  JCRCmembers provided it/they do not contravene this Constitution.  

5. Of any general JCRC meeting, at least 72 hours notice must be given to the JCRC members before the meeting is held.  

6. JCRC meetings shall follow general meeting procedures.  


1. The JCRC President shall have the power to call for an emergency meeting of the JCRC.  2. For the purpose of emergency meetings, at least a 24 hours notice shall be given.  3. Whenever any emergency meeting is called 2/3 votes of those present, which must  include at least three (3) Executive members shall be enough to carry a decision. 



1. A special meeting of the Hall shall be called at the request of not less than ten (10)  members of the population of each block. Copies of each request shall be presented to  the President containing the agenda, names and signatories of the persons requesting  that the meeting be held.  

2. A special JCRC meeting shall be convened within three (3) days of the presentation of  the request by the requisite members of the JCRC and if the JCRC fails to comply with  request, without sufficient reasons, the Hall Master/Warden may be petitioned to  intervene.  

3. Twenty percent (20%) of the total number of members of the Hall in residence shall form  a quorum for such special meetings at which the President and his Vice shall be present.  4. Out of the 20%, at least 75% of those present shall vote in support of a resolution to make  it valid.  

5. No business shall be considered other than the one for which the meeting was convened.  6. For the purposes of this provision, non-residential students affiliated to the Hall shall  constitute one Block.  

7. No decision of such special meetings shall be binding until at least a 24 hour notice of it  is given on JCRC Notice Boards.  


1. No part of this Constitution shall be altered, deleted, repeated or otherwise amended  except the procedure of amendment as required by clause 2 of this article has been fully  complied with  

a. Any member of the JCRC shall have the power to introduce an amendment bill.  b. All amendment bills or proposals shall have the support of at least three (3)  members from each floor before it may be considered at a meeting.  

c. All amendment/proposals shall be submitted to the Chairman of the Judicial  Council who shall present it to the JCRC and Judicial Council.  

d. Any proposal for the amendment of this Constitution shall be tabled at a general  meeting of the Hall.  

e. Such amendment bills or proposal shall be published and shall remain on all  JCRC Notice Boards for at least two (2) weeks before being considered by the Constitutional Review Committee (before the general meeting to debate the  proposed amendments).  

f. In deciding on amendment bill or proposal, the JCRC may seek advice from the  Judicial Council.  

g. At the third (3rd) meetings for considering the proposal(s), 2/3 of the members of  JCRC shall form a quorum for effecting the amendment out of which ¾ must  have voted for the proposal. 


h. Where the resolution is carried, it shall then be presented to the Hall President for  assent.  

i. The Chairman of the Judicial Council shall accordingly issue a certificate within  24 hours of the President’s assent to give effect to such amendment(s).  

2. Where the whole Constitution is sought to be reviewed, the JCRCExecutives shall set up  a Constitutional Review Committee which shall recommend the necessary review for  endorsement by the general membership of the Hall through a referendum.  

3. Amendments to this Constitution shall be listed and annexed to this Constitution in the  nature of amendments and shall be numbered in the order of creation and shall be dated  and pasted on the JCRC notice boards.  

4. For the avoidance of doubt, this Constitution shall continue in force until it is duly  reviewed.  


1. Any student shall by a notice in writing addressed to the Chief Justice, commence  impeachment proceedings against an officer, provided that the officer shall be served  with a copy of the notice three (3) clear days before the start of such proceedings.  

2. The Chairman of the Judicial Council shall within five (5) days of receiving the notice of  impeachment, convene a sitting of the Judicial Councilfor a determination of the  grounds for impeachment.  

3. The decision of the Judicial Board shall be by a simple majority. The decision of the  Judicial Council shall be communicated to an emergency general meeting of the JCRC called for the purpose by the Hall Secretary within forty eight hours of receiving the  decision of the Judicial Council.  

4. The JCRC shall debate and thereafter vote on the issue.  

5. For purposes of implementation, the votes of at least sixty percent (60%) of the members  of the JCRC present and voting shall be required for a motion to be carried. The votes  for or against shall be conclusive.  

6. For the purposes of this Article, the Electoral Commissioner shall chair this JCRC meeting, without prejudice to any provision of this Constitution.  

7. Any Executive Officer so impeached shall forthwith cease to be a member of the JCRC.  8. Any vacancies created by virtue of any provision of this Constitution shall be filled  within twenty one (21) days after such vacancies are created by following the procedure  as stipulated in this Constitution.  


1. Without prejudice to Article 11 of this Constitution, all Executive Officer shall be  removed from office on the passing of a vote of no confidence.  

2. Any JCRC member seeking a vote of no confidence shall write a letter of such intent  which shall be signed by at least 10 members on each floor. 


3. For the purposes of a vote of no confidence, any person or group of persons seeking such  action shall notify the Electoral Commissioner at least seven (7) days after receipt of the  signatures.  

4. The person or group of persons, seeking a vote of no confidence shall also notify the  Judicial Board.  


1. All outgoing officers shall handover to the newly elected officers within thirty (30) days after the declaration of result of general election.  

2. Audited accounts shall be prepared and presented to the External Auditor for inspection  and affirmation. The Audited Account shall be made known to all Hall members before  the formal handing over and pasted on the Notice Board.  

3. The chairman of the hall Council shall supervise the handing over ceremony.  4. All records, documents, files, equipment, machines etc in the possession of the outgoing  Executive Officers shall be handed over to the in-coming Executive without  compromise or failure in any form.  

5. In the case of a loss or damage to any of the properties of the Hall through any Executive  Officer’s or Officers’ irresponsibility and carelessness, the officer or officers shall  replace those properties within 30 days from the date of handing over to ensure the  security of the Hall’s properties.  


The Hall Members as far as possible legally, shall protect and defend the Hall Executive at all  times against any unjust action from whatever authority within and without the Hall, in so far as  the actions of the Hall Executive are claimed to be in conformity with the spirit of this  Constitution. 


1. Copies of this Constitution shall be made available to the Editorial and Publicity  Committee for sale.  

2. Copies of this Constitution shall be deposited in the Libraries and offices of the Pro Vice  Chancellor, Registrar, Dean of Students Affairs and the Hall Master /Mistress.  3. Every first year student of the JCRC shall be billed and given a copy of the  JCRCConstitution. 



1. Subject to clause (1) above, this Constitution shall become operative after its  endorsement by the Hall Master/Warden and the Dean of Students Affairs.  2. This Constitution shall be adopted by a JCRC meeting called for that purpose by a vote of  two thirds (2/3) of members present at the meeting. 


1. The Executive shall draw up Standing Orders for the conduct of Hall/Executive meetings.  2. The President shall have the exclusive right (prerogative) to interpret the Standing  Orders.  

3. Notwithstanding clause 2 of this Article, the President shall not act in contravention to  this Constitution.  



1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Constitution, the persons duly  elected as officers of the JCRC under the law in force immediately before the coming  into force of this amended Constitution shall be deemed to have been duly elected under  this Constitution.  

2. A member who immediately before the coming into force of this Constitution held or was  acting in an office in existence immediately before coming into force of this  Constitution shall be deemed to have been appointed under this Constitution as far as  the appointment is consistent with the provisions of the Constitution.  

3. Pursuance of section 1 and 2 of the first schedule of this Constitution, the persons duly  elected or appointed shall notwithstanding anything contrary to the provisions of this  Constitution, continue to perform their functions in conformity with this Constitution.  

4. Notwithstanding any contrary provision(s) of the Constitution, this Constitution shall  come to force when it is debated and approved by 2/3 (majority) of the JCRC members. 





I ……………………… having been elected the President of Oguaa Hall JCRC, do solemnly  swear in the name of the Almighty God to ensure efficient administration of the affairs of the  JCRC, to uplift and enhance the good name of Oguaa Hall, to obey all rules, laws and regulation  of the Hall and the University, to ensure a sincere, inset incorruptible and peaceful administration  SO HELP ME GOD. 

To be sworn before the Hall Master. 


I ………………… having been elected the ………………… of Oguaa Hall JCRC do solemnly  swear; that I will at all times well and truly serve the Oguaa Hall, JCRC to ensure the efficient  administration of the affairs of the JCRC; to uplift and enhance the good image of Oguaa Hall to  obey all rules, laws and regulation of the Hall and the University, SO HELP ME GOD. 

To be sworn before the Hall Master. 


I, ……………………… having been appointed as a member of the Oguaa Hall JCRC Judicial  Board/Appeals Board/the Disciplinary Board/Member of Commission of Enquiry do hereby in  the name of God solemnly swear that, I will bear absolute truth in the interpretation and  application of JCRCConstitution and other laws neither with fear nor favour; and to uphold and  defend the spirit and letter of the JCRCConstitution SO HELP ME GOD. 

To be sworn before the JCRC President. 


I, ………………… having been appointed / elected as a Chairperson of ……………... do swear  in the name of God the Father that I will bear true faith and allegiance to Oguaa Hall, that I will  cooperate with the Executive Committee and other relevant authorities and that I would  faithfully, honestly, and conscientiously discharge all my duties, SO HELP ME GOD. 

To be sworn before the JCRC President.


This Constitution was promulgated on March 13, 2016 at the Aluta Square of OGUAA HALL  where 71.46% voted for and 28.64% voted against the adoption of this constitution. By virtue of  simple majority count, the constitution was accepted and adopted by OGUAA HALL. The  ceremony was chaired by the President and Chief Justice of OGUAA HALL. 


President Chief Justice …………… ……………. Dennis Appiah Larbi-Ampofo Mensah Ishmael