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The Oguaa Hall Christian council

                                                         THE CHRISTIAN COUNCIL



Eight inter-varsity graduates who were working overseas, four from Africa, initiated the inter-varsity overseas fellowship. They aimed to create awareness among students in the fellowship and also create opportunities for Christian service through circular employment overseas.  

In 1951, there were an informal Bible study meeting going on in some of the lecturer’s homes on the campuses. These informal Bible study meeting by 1955 was moved to the to the hall residence in the various halls in the following Universities, (University of Ghana, University of Cape Coast and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology). 

In the University of Cape Coast, the fellowship was called The University College of Cape Coast Christian Fellowship (UCCCF). The fellowship was established by students with Scripture Union background in 1962 at the inception of the University College.  

By 1975, the membership of the fellowship of GIUCF had increased so there was the need to change the name to reflect the others. So a conference was held at the Presbyterian Boys Secondary School in the same year and the name was change to what is now known as the Ghana Fellowship of Evangelical Students (GHAFES). In 1979, GHAFES adopted the motto: Know Christ and Make Him Known.


We are inter/non-denominational evangelical movement, committed to missions equipping and empowering tertiary Christian’s students to be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ and be an agent of change on their campuses, in their churches, communities, the nation and beyond. 


A committed and dynamic inter/non-denominational evangelical movement in all our Ghanaian tertiary institutions, with students becoming Christ-like, making disciples, becoming responsible people and making positive impact in society. 



In 1951, there were an informal Bible study meeting going on in some of the lecturer’s homes on the campuses. These informal Bible study meeting by 1955 was moved to the to the residence in the following Universities, (University of Ghana, University of Cape Coast and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology). 

Some students who were part of the GHAFES UCC, and were Oguaa hall affiliates thought of it that since there is the fellowship existing on campus and the hall also has some people who are Christians, they could have at least met at the hall level for fellowship meetings as well. So these students proposed the idea to the hall management. 

The hall management upon further deliberations, came to a consensus that since there are three major religious practices, it will be possible for them have these three religions had their various activities in the hall. So their proposal was accepted and that gave birth to the Christian Council in the hall. 

The Oguaa Hall Christian Council was now recognized as a council together with the Muslim Council and the Traditional Council. The Christian council was established to coordinate all the Christian activities in the hall, meet the spiritual need of the Christian students in the hall and to also represent the Christian students in the hall at the Junior Common Room Committee (JCRC) level. 

The Oguaa Christian Council also serves as a fellowship under the auspice of Ghana Fellowship of Evangelical Student (GHAFES). It is also known as The Oguaa Hall Christian Fellowship (OHCF).



The Fellowship (OHCF) operates with the mission statement of GHAFES, UCC. In effect, the mission statement of OHCF is:

We are inter/non-denominational evangelical movement, committed to missions, equipping and empowering tertiary Christian students to be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ and be agents of change on their campuses, in their churches, in the nation and beyond.



The Fellowship (OHCF) adapted the vision statement of GHAFES, UCC. In effect, the vision statement of OHCF is:

A committed and dynamic inter/non-denominational evangelical movement in Oguaa Hall, with members becoming Christ-like; making disciples, becoming responsible people and making positive impact in society.



The Fellowship seeks to achieve the following goals:

  1. Win souls for Jesus Christ and disciple new converts.
  2. Condense the spiritual, relational and social life of Christian students in Oguaa Hall through the activities/programmes organized by the Fellowship.
  3. Equip and encourage members (Christian students in the Hall) to pursue academic excellence.
  4. To equip members for Christian and non-Christian related services.
  5. To seek and meet the spiritual and welfare needs of the members.