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David Asiedu Korankye

David Asiedu Korankye (Sunday) Appointed as Deputy Chair for International & Diaspora Affairs


David Asiedu Korankye

In a strategic effort to enhance student representation and global engagement, David Asiedu Korankye, popularly known as Sunday and the current President of Oguaa Hall for the 2024/2025 academic year, has been named Deputy Chairperson for International & Diaspora Relations under the Barbara-led administration of the University of Cape Coast Local NUGS Secretariat.

This appointment by Barbara, the Local NUGS President, recognizes Sunday’s dedication to student leadership and his commitment to strengthening international and diaspora connections for UCC students.

In his new role, he will be instrumental in fostering international collaborations, engaging the Ghanaian student diaspora, and ensuring UCC students benefit from global opportunities. Working alongside Chairperson Richard Tetteh and fellow Deputy Chairperson Isaac Effah Toku Jnr, he will help implement initiatives that enhance UCC’s international presence and support students studying abroad.

The announcement has been met with enthusiasm from the student body, with many expressing confidence in his ability to excel in this position. With his leadership and vision, Sunday is expected to make a meaningful impact on UCC’s international and diaspora relations.

Congratulations to David Asiedu Korankye (Sunday) and his team on this new achievement!

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